## version $VER: Mentat.catalog 0.5.2 (08.08.00) ## language english ; >>> Main pulldown menu ;Menu subtitle - Project MSG_MMENU_PROJECT Project ;Menu Project item - show preferences window MSG_MENU_PREFS Prefs ;Menu Project item - show about program information MSG_MENU_ABOUT About ;Menu Project item - show about MUI window MSG_MENU_ABOUTMUI About MUI ;Menu Project item - Quit program MSG_MENU_QUIT ;Menu subtitle - Search MSG_MMENU_SEARCH Search ;Menu Search item - show search window MSG_MENU_SEARCHWINDOW Search window ; >>> Main WINDOW ;Title for listview with previously founded words MSG_MW_FOUNDEDWORDS_TITLE Founded Words ;Bubble text for text input area (for word to be searched) MSG_MW_FINDWORD_HELP Write a word you want to find in a dictionary. ;Bubble text for button that opens a window with previously founded words MSG_MW_OLDWORDS_HELP Press this button to see previously founded words. ;Title for listview with related words MSG_MW_RELATEDWORDS_TITLE Look also ;Bubble text for button that opens a window with related words MSG_MW_RELATEDWORDS_HELP Press this button to see a list of related words. ;Bubble text for button moving to previous word in dictionary MSG_MW_PREV_HELP Go to Previous word in dictionary. ;Bubble text for button moving to next word in dictionary MSG_MW_NEXT_HELP Go to Next word in dictionary. ;Title for group of searching tools MSG_MW_SEARCHGROUP_TITLE Choose a word to search ;Title for listview with description of founded word MSG_MW_RESULT_TITLE Results ; >>> Preference WINDOW ;Title for part of preference window with misc settings MSG_PW_MISC_SETTINGS ;Title for part of preference window with colors settings MSG_PW_COLORS_SETTINGS Colors ;Title for checkmark if Mentat should be casesensitiv MSG_PW_IGNORECASE Case sensitiv? ;Title for checkmark if Mentat should flash screen when there is no searched word MSG_PW_FLASHDISPLAY Flash display? ;Title for button to set color of Title in main listview MSG_PW_TITLECOLOR Choose Title color ;Title for button to set color of Quotated text in main listview MSG_PW_QUOTATIONCOLOR Choose Quotation color ;Title for button to set color of Related words in main listview MSG_PW_SIMILARCOLOR Choose Related Words color ;Title of the subwindow to choose color of Title in main listview MSG_PW_TITLECOLOR_WINDOW Choose a Title color ;Title of the subwindow to choose color of Quotated text in main listview MSG_PW_QUOTATIONCOLOR_WINDOW Choose a Quotation color ;Title of the subwindow to choose color of Related words in main listview MSG_PW_SIMILARCOLOR_WINDOW Choose a Related words link color ;Title of Group with objects to set window colors MSG_PW_PREFSCOLOR Color Settings ;Title of Group with objects to startup settings MSG_PW_STARTUPPREFS Startup Settings ;Use button of Preference Window MSG_PW_USEBUTTON ;Save button of Preference Window MSG_PW_SAVEBUTTON ;Cancel button of Preference Window MSG_PW_CANCELBUTTON Cancel ;Title of Preference Window MSG_PW_WINDOWTITLE Preference Window ; >>> Preference WINDOW ;Title of main listview in window with search results MSG_SW_LISTVIEW_TITLE Search results ;Bubble help to text input field - where you write core of the word to find it in dictionary MSG_SW_SEARCHSTRING_HELP Write base pattern of the words you want to find in dictionary. ;Search Window title MSG_SW_WINDOWTITLE Search Window ; >>> Main program texts ;Program description to be show as commodition info (in exchange for example) MSG_MENTAT_DESCRIPTION English2English Dictionary ;File name of AmigaGuide with manual for Mentat (if there is no right file ;for you language use most common language in your country) MSG_MENTAT_HELPFILE Mentat_eng.guide ;When you want to quit Mentat MSG_MENTAT_QUIT Are you sure to quit Mentat? ; >>> Error messages ;Message when Mentat is unable to open muimaster.library MSG_ERROR_MUI1 Can't Open MUIMaster Library.\n ;When Mentat finds wrong structure of related words in datas MSG_ERROR_DCT1 Error of data structure (related words structure).\n ;When Mentat has founded word in INDEX but there is now such a ;word in main data structure (can only happen when somebody was ;doing something with data) MSG_ERROR_DCT2 Error of data structure (there is no such a word in main data dictionary, but index file claims there should be).\n ;When Mentat finds wrong structure of data (problem with START index calculations) MSG_ERROR_DCT3 Error of data structure (index file points wrong START position of word in dictionary).\n ;When Mentat finds wrong structure of data (problem with END index calculations) MSG_ERROR_DCT4 Error of data structure (index file points wrong END position of word in dictionary).\n ;No more free memory MSG_ERROR_NOMEMORY There is not enought free memory!\n ;Mentat can't open index file (there is no such or some privilage violation) MSG_ERROR_NOINDEX Can't open index file!\n ;Wrong version of INDEX file MSG_ERROR_OLDINDEX Wrong version of INDEX file (try to get new one from Mentat webpage).\n ;Mentat can't open dictionary file (there is no such or some privilage violation) MSG_ERROR_NODCT Can't open dictionary file!\n ;Wrong version of DICTIONARY file MSG_ERROR_OLDDCT Wrong version of DICTIONARY file (try to get new one from Mentat webpage).\n ;Dictionary is too short (probably file is corrupted) MSG_ERROR_2SHORTDCT Dictionary file is too short! - possible file corruption.\n